Vibe Power System
Vibe Power (VP) System encompasses two intertwined but fundamentally different scoring mechanisms—VP for Matchmaking and VP for Game Advantage. Each of these systems leverages trading history data but applies different weightings to the underlying metrics, reflecting their distinct roles within the broader ecosystem.
Vibe Power for Matchmaking (VPm)
VPm is primarily a measure of a player's historical performance in the trading aspect of the Vibe ecosystem. By quantifying this performance, we can align players of similar skills and experience levels during matchmaking, ensuring a balanced and competitive gaming environment.
The VPm is calculated using the following formula:
VPm = w1 * TPSavg + w2 * Gavg
TPSavg is the average Trading Performance Score (TPS) over a player's lifetime.
Gavg represents the average game performance score, which measures how well a player has done in games.
w1 and w2 are the weight coefficients assigned to each of the scores. In this case, the weights may lean more heavily on TPSavg to reflect the game's trading-focused nature.
Vibe Power for Game Advantage (VPg)
The second aspect of the VP system, VPg, considers a player's recent trading record within a specific game round and interval. This provides a dynamic scoring system that impacts the balance of power in subsequent games. A higher VPg score confers certain strategic advantages to players during the game.
The VPg is determined by:
VPg = w1' * TPSrecent + w2' * Grecent
In this equation:
TPSrecent is the Trading Performance Score from the most recent game interval.
Grecent denotes the game performance score from the most recent game.
w1' and w2' are weight coefficients, which may differ from those used in VPm calculation. These weights could potentially emphasize TPSrecent, reflecting the immediate impact of recent trading performance on a player's in-game advantages.
The dual facets of the Vibe Power System ensure that every trading action and game outcome in the Vibe ecosystem has nuanced implications. This engenders a truly dynamic and engaging experience where players have the opportunity to strategize both in the trading interface and in the game itself.
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