
Poker, specifically Texas Hold'em, is one of the featured games on the Vibe platform. Our variant, however, blends traditional elements of the card game with aspects of financial trading. This innovative gameplay is a strategic and challenging fusion of game and financial world, designed to keep players engaged and excited.

Seating and Matchmaking

The seating in our Poker game is a direct reflection of a player's Vibe Power for Game Advantage (VPg) derived from the trading/betting round. The seating placement is determined by ranking the VPg scores of each player at the table. However, the players don't know the VPg scores of each other and can only estimate their winning chances based on their perceived trading performance.

The arrangement of players and their respective hands is akin to ranking hands in a classic game of poker — from the best hand to the worst. As the communal cards are revealed throughout the game, players get a sense of how their hand is faring, which adds another layer of strategic gameplay.

Trading Performance Influence and Gameplay

A player's Trading Performance Score (TPS) not only influences their seating but also dictates the dynamics of the gameplay. Unlike traditional poker, the players don't know their exact starting advantage. They can make educated guesses based on their trading performance and adapt their strategies as the game progresses.

Once the game begins, the rules align closely with Texas Hold'em, except there is only one blind instead of two. Depending on the type of game chosen, players may bet, raise, check, or fold as they usually would in poker, all within a predetermined maximum betting amount.

In the absence of the player during the game, default actions are set to check if no raises have occurred or fold when faced with a raise. However, players have the option to modify these settings, for example, to always raise when challenged.

Bet Scaling and Room Selection

The bet scaling, which includes the proportion of the blind and the amount players can raise, will be determined after beta testing. The goal is to ensure a balanced and engaging gameplay experience where bluffing remains a viable strategy. Current considerations include allowing raises starting from 200% of the original blind amount, meaning players should have these funds available before the round starts.

There will be various types of rooms available for each interval, divided by the amount of blind, raise limit, and interval duration. The interface will simplify the selection process, allowing players to input the total value (blind + raising amount) and have a room automatically selected for them. This auto-selection will default to the most popular or previously used proportions of blind, raising amount, and interval, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

Future Upgrades

We are always looking for ways to refine and expand our poker game. This includes exploring new game modes, integrating more advanced trading mechanisms, and seeking user feedback. The poker game on Vibe is designed to engage and challenge players, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in a hybrid trading-gaming environment.

Last updated