
Betting introduces an alternative gaming element within the Vibe platform. Our betting games intertwine the excitement of sports forecasting with the real-time thrill of various financial markets.

Mechanics and Gameplay

The betting round's foundation lies within predicting the outcome of a specific sports event. Users must place at least two bets on the outcome of a single game within the prescribed betting round. The interval during which bets are placed could be considerably long, spanning the duration of a sports match, and ends when the outcome is known.

Following the placement of bets, a poker game commences. However, given the potentially extensive duration of the interval, poker games associated with betting rounds are played out quickly, with no additional raises. Instead, cards are revealed immediately, speeding up the process and maintaining the excitement.

Similar to other game types, users' Trading Performance Score (TPS) directly influences their Vibe Power for Game Advantage (VPg), which is based on their successful betting/trading actions within the given interval. The VPg score then assigns a user's advantage or position within the subsequent poker game.

Simultaneous Trading and Betting

While the betting round progresses, users aren't restricted solely to betting. They can continue to engage in trading with the remaining margin not used for betting. To ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the betting process, the margin used for betting and trading is segregated. Once a bet is placed, it can't be edited, leaving the remaining margin available for trading. Users can opt for isolated or cross-margin trading depending on their risk appetite and strategy.

User Experience and Transparency

We've prioritized a user-friendly interface for our betting game. It's designed to provide real-time updates, detailed information about each betting round, and visual representations of results. The ability to verify all transactions and results on the blockchain ensures a transparent and trustworthy betting environment.

The betting game is another embodiment of Vibe's hybrid trading-gaming experience. Its unique combination of sports betting and financial markets trading is not only engaging but also presents an opportunity for users to strategically increase their chances of gaining an advantage in the subsequent poker game. We are committed to continuous improvement, intending to refine and enhance the betting game based on user feedback and advancements in technology.

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